Thursday, March 21, 2013


In painting this picture I discovered how difficult it is to mix a clear purple in oil paint. Eventually, I found a tube of Dioxazine Purple No. 47 and it was the closest I could get to the colour I wanted. The crocus is a study! Just look at the little men standing in the middle of each flower. They made me laugh! I enjoyed creating this painting knowing that I could never replicate the perfection of nature. My attempt is good enough!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


After a gap of three years I am back painting again! Ann and I enrolled in a new art class. Redwood Art School Dun Laoghaire. Our teacher's name is Mary and she is just what we need ... calm and encouraging! This is my first painting under Mary's guidance and I really learnt a lot from this painting. I got to know the colour orange and I also made friends with a small brush! Ann is on a roll churning out masterpieces!